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We have posted the answers to our most frequently asked questions on our Q & A page. If you have a question concerning GCM and our Web site you just may find it there.

Questions & Answers  Start with the Q & A page!

Every month I write a little teaching letter. I have been writing these since late 1997. They contain mini-teachings on answers that the Holy Spirit has given me to questions I have had over the years, and you may find them to be just the resource you need to answer a question you are facing also. Just click on the month over to the left.

<-- Monthly Teaching Letters

Jan Feb Mar
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Oct Nov Dec

Jan Feb Mar
Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec

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Jul Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec

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Oct Nov Dec

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Oct Nov Dec

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Oct Nov Dec

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Jul Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec

Jan Feb Mar
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Jul Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec

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Oct Nov Dec

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Jan Feb Mar
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Jul Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec

Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec
Other Voices

Now and then I have met someone whom I have felt is on the same "wave-length" in the discussion of spiritual finances.

I am pleased to offer you writings and insight from other worthy voices. What a joy it is to share the Father's "family" service!

Guest Pulpit

Church: Dave Roberson Ministries   The Family Prayer Center
Are you hungry for a closer walk with God? If you are, then get ready to explore some new territory that can help lead you to your destination! Free e-book on the website for download.

Church & Ministry: Jim Martin Ministries   Grace Ministries International - Dayton, OHIO
Follow this link to a wonderful ministry, church and free Bible college! Plus a lot of good audio teachings on the Teachings page.

Article by Russ Gressett
A New Look At Sowing, Reaping, Giving and Receiving "Giving" Is Not "Sowing" For You Personally

Church: Bronc Flint Ministries   Bronc Flint Ministries - Immokalee, Florida
Our heart here in Immokalee is not to build a ministry but rather to advance His Kingdom.

Ministry: Charlie & Shelly Rogers Ministries   Charlie Rogers Ministries - Park Hill, Oklahoma
It is our intent to not only show God's demonstration of the Spirit and of power through this site, but to also lead others into how to walk into His power in their own lives, according to what He has called us to do in our own lives……

Article by Julie Groves   Reasons Why Tithing Is Not God's Best For Today


The Bulldozer, author: anonymous.

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Choose from these wonderful free programs - E-Sword OR Berean Bible Study free-ware.

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Well Charles, When I Baptize You Everything That Goes Under Belongs To God
So Charles Holds His Money Out Of The Water
creator: Randy Carson

Main Teachings Index

Gary Carpenter Ministries Gary Carpenter Ministries, © 1995 - 2023 All Rights Reserved. Gary Carpenter Ministries