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Dear Partner, One of the things that has helped me the most in my Christian walk is learning how to truly meditate God's Word. Did you know there are specific promises to those who learn how to meditate God's Word day and night? Notice this promise from the Psalms: Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. In the psalm it says to meditate the "law of the Lord" but we must remember that the law is all they had in the old covenant. We have the entire Word of God, including the old and the new covenant. So when I read this passage I know He intends for me to meditate not just the law of the Lord, but the entire Word of God. If we become people who meditate in the Word of God day and night we will take our counsel from God and we will not walk in the counsel of the ungodly. We will not stand in the way of sinners and we will not sit in the seat of the scornful. Those promises by themselves are enough to make every believer want to become a true meditator of God's Word. But notice He makes one more promise: "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." For many years I drove trucks across the great Mojave Desert in California. I loved that job. To me, the desert has its own beauty. I remember how vast and brown the desert was the first time I drove across it. Nothing much grows there for hundreds of miles. Oh, there is sagebrush and a few cactus growing but nothing grows much higher than the knees and even what does grow is pretty sparse. But I also remember the first time I was driving across that great expanse of brown sand and scrubby brush when … off in the distance ahead of me appeared what seemed to be a "ribbon of green." At first I thought maybe I was coming to the end of the desert and perhaps I was seeing the beginning of a forest. But no, as I got closer I could see it was more like a "ribbon of green" because beyond it I could see the vast expanse of the brown desert on the other side. I remember wondering what in the world that ribbon of green could be. When I finally arrived there I was driving across a bridge because the ribbon of green was actually trees growing along the banks of a small river in the desert. On both banks of the river, upstream and downstream for as far as I could see, there were actual green trees growing. These were not little scrubs of brush no taller than my knees. These were actual trees two or three times taller than a man. They were thriving, green and lush. Yet just a few feet farther away from the river, nothing much could grow except sagebrush and cactus. I remember thinking, "Those trees are flourishing where nothing else can because their roots are tapped into a source of supply not available to the rest of the desert. For those trees it does not matter whether it rains or not because their source of supply is constant because of the river that is nurturing them." That is exactly the way God's Word works for those who learn how to meditate in it day and night. The Word of God is like the river that flows to us from the heart of our Father God. As we allow our spirit to draw nourishment from God's Word, God HIMSELF becomes our supply. We are living in the "wilderness of a fallen world" but our supply is from the unseen resources of almighty God. Just like the rain doesn't always fall in the desert, so bad circumstances often comes to the world … but we must never forget … our supply is from the unseen realm of the Spirit and no matter the circumstances surrounding us, we believers are the "ribbon of Green" to the world. Our leaf does not wither. Our fruit continues no matter the circumstances and "whatsoever we do shall prosper." Glory to God! Jesus said, "My words are spirit and My words are life." [John 6:63]. The Word of God is literally the "food" the new man on the inside of us is nourished by. The Word of God is the very supply line from the true source of all blessing, our Father in heaven. I made up my mind years ago to become a person who meditates the Word of God day and night. But then the question arose, "How do I do that? I can't stay up every night without sleep. How does a person meditate God's Word day and night?" Then one day it dawned on me … my spirit man does not sleep. My spirit man is made in the image of God and God does not sleep. My job then was to make sure that I use a portion of my waking hours to input the Word of God into my mind by reading it and/or listening to it by some form of audio input. The goal is to "equip myself for day and night meditation" by making sure I have filled my mind with God's Word. Then, even when I myself am asleep, my spirit man can be meditating the Word of God even at night. I can't tell you the number of times I wake up and my "meditator" is running full bore. It is almost like I wake up right in the middle of a bible lesson and I will have to hurry to get to a notepad or a voice recorder so I can begin taking notes of the truths I am seeing from God's Word. I know from experience it is possible to become a person who meditates God's Word day and night. I pray we all make a fresh determination to equip ourselves for day and night meditation. Let us spend a portion of each day to read our bibles or listen to the Word via some form of audio input. By being good stewards of our time during our waking hours to input the Word of God, we are actually enabling our spirit to meditate God's Word day and night and the promised blessings will be ours. Sue and I love you and appreciate you. We thank God for your generous and giving heart. God bless you! Your friend and co-laborer,
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