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Dear Partner, The apostle John told us that faith is the key to overcoming the world. He said, 1 John 5:4-5 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. So do you. So do millions of other people living on this planet. Yet we would all stand red-faced in shame if our times of falling to the pressures and temptations of the world were put on public display for all to see. Why do we so often fail to overcome? We have not let our understanding develop fully regarding our faith that Jesus is the Son of God. You see, we have no problem identifying Jesus as the Son of God. The problem is, we don't really identify ourselves as being ... truly ... children of God also through faith in His finished work. The scriptures are very clear that the moment we put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we became children of God. Gal 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Yet we see ourselves, for all practical purposes, as being "forgiven" yet "unchanged" in our nature. No, the scriptures declare that when Jesus was quickened from death unto life, so were we! When Jesus was raised up from the dead, so were we! When Jesus was seated at the right hand of the Father in the position of dominion and authority ... legally ... so were we! Eph 2:5-6 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. In order to try and develop my understanding more fully regarding the faith that overcomes the world, I keep seeing the following scenario. It really helps me understand that, as children of God, we are not of this world. We are in the world, but most certainly, we are not of it. For teaching purposes, let's just consider for a moment that after we were quickened from death to life with Christ, we had the opportunity to live in heaven for about a thousand years. We've had plenty of time to explore the glories of that wonderful place, perhaps visit with some of the apostles, perhaps others like King David. Wouldn't that be glorious? After living in heaven for a thousand years, we would become accustomed to the environment there. In heaven there is no sin, no sickness, no wars, no demons, and no poverty. The very atmosphere is charged with love, righteousness, and holiness. There is no harm nor hurt there. After a thousand years, even we would be convinced that we were quickened together with Christ, raised up together with Christ, and seated together with Christ in heavenly places. I see us all sitting next to Jesus in heaven. His throne is mighty compared to ours, signifying that He alone is Lord of all! But the point is, we are all seated together with Him in heaven. We have the same "spirit of Him" within us as is in His glorified humanity. We are brethren, kinsman, relatives of Jesus. We have the same Father as Jesus. We are of the same family as Jesus. We have the same nature as Jesus. We are all children of God. Jesus is the First Born of these many brethren and has preeminence over all. Each of us gladly casts our crown at His feet. Our greatest pleasure is to serve the Lamb Who sits upon the throne. Now, in this scenario, let's say Jesus calls all of us unto Himself to tell us that He has a mission for us to do on earth. He says that it is the Father's desire that His ministry as Lord continue on earth so that the Father's will can be done there just as it is being done in heaven. He tells us that there are many more people still on earth who need to be saved, healed and delivered. He tells us that He is going to send us to earth so that His ministry as Lord can continue there. Each of us will be given a mortal body on earth that will "camouflage" us and make us appear as mere men. Jesus warns us that those mortal bodies we'll be wearing are of a different nature than anything in heaven. Those bodies are of fallen earth and have strong desires and lusts for pleasure. We will have to keep dominion over our mortal bodies by the strength of the nature of God that is within us. But those earth suits will allow us to work as "guerrilla fighters" on earth. We will "appear" to be sons of Adam just like the lost people of the earth. Those mortal bodies will allow us to move upon the earth undetected as children of God. We will be able to infiltrate every race and every economic strata of man in order that the Lamb's ministry as Lord may continue unabated through us. He tells us that it is paramount that we remember that the whole reason for Him sending us to earth is so that His work as Lord can be continued through each of us. He is not sending us to be lords in our own right. He is sending us so His Lordship can be worked through us. He warns us not to set any agendas of our own. He alone will direct His Lordship through each of us. One of the group asks the question, "Lord, since You will be here in heaven and we will be on the earth, how will we know what You want to do through us each day?" The Lord answers by saying, "Each of you is well acquainted with the third member of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. He is going to go with each and every one of you. He is the bridge between heaven and earth. He continually hears My instructions in heaven and will reveal them to you on a day-by-day, moment-by-moment basis. You will not lack for instruction, knowledge, nor wisdom. You will have no trouble at all distinguishing His voice for, after all, you are spirit-born children from heaven and it is more natural for you to hear 'news from home' than to hear any other voice on earth. I am sending you into the world, but never forget ... you are not of the world!" "The LIFE that is in each of you is from Me. It is the same LIFE I received from the Father when I was raised from the dead. That LIFE within you is "of God." As you hear My instruction from the Holy Spirit, and then obey those instructions through words and action, the Holy Spirit will be there to exercise the dominion of My Lordship upon the earth just as if I were personally speaking and acting there Myself. You are My 'Agents of Authority' on the earth. You speak and act in My Name. The Holy Spirit is the Father's 'Agent of Power' on earth. When you speak and act 'In My Name,' in accordance with the instructions I give you, the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit will move to cause the restoration of the fallen earth realm back to the original intent and purpose of our Father in heaven. By this process, all things are possible. This is how the Father's will is to be done on earth. This is how My ministry as Lord will continue through you. This is how you will bear much fruit. This is how you will be My disciples." "My ministry as Lord has not ended. It is expanded to function through each of you. The mission has not changed. Through you, I will still be seeking and saving the lost, healing the sick, casting out devils, and restoring the fallen material realm back to the original intent and purpose of the Father for mankind." "Never forget this; the Spirit of LIFE within you is that which you received from Me. That nature within you is completely free from the law of sin and death that dominates fallen man on earth. The law of sin and death has absolutely no dominion over you ... at all! My nature of righteousness is infinitely stronger than the nature of sin and death that is within the sons of Adam. Nothing on fallen earth has any dominion over you! Not sin, not sickness, not devils, not poverty. I take full responsibility for meeting any needs you will encounter as you allow My Lordship to be exercised through you. If you need anything, simply ask the Father in My Name and He will give it to you. There is no reason for you to ever worry about a thing." "So now, go in My Name. Allow My ministry as Lord to continue through you. Preach the gospel of the Kingdom, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils, raise the dead. I am sending you into the world, but never forget ... you are not of it!" John 17:15-20 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. AS THOU HAST SENT ME INTO THE WORLD, EVEN SO HAVE I ALSO SENT THEM INTO THE WORLD. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. It is my earnest hope that this scenario will help all of us become more aware of WHO WE ARE, WHERE WE ARE FROM, AND WHY WE ARE HERE! Your friend and co-laborer, Gary Carpenter
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