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Dear Partner, As we are about to enter the final year of this millenium, the Spirit of the Lord keeps drawing my attention to this passage of scripture; Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. It seems that everyone I know who spends quality time in fellowship with the Lord through worship, meditation of the Word, prayer and fasting has a sense of "change" that is rapidly coming upon the earth. On the one hand, there is great anticipation that we are about to enter into a period of great movings of the Spirit of God in signs and wonders such as has not been seen since the book of Acts. At the same time, there seems to be a general consensus that these things will come during a time of increased trouble in the world. During a season of prayer in August of this year, the Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly concerning this "new season" that is rapidly coming upon us. I feel that the Lord would have me share a portion of it with you this month. The Word of the Lord came unto me saying, A time of unrest, turmoil, uncertainty and increased darkness is coming upon the world. Upon that platform, upon that stage of darkness shall the brightness of His glory be revealed through those who have spent time in His rooms of fellowship. The world shall have few answers. Many shall be in darkness and looking for light. Vessels are now being prepared through whom that light can shine. For those who shall be seeking light, He is working now by His Spirit preparing vessels of light, where from the vantage point of darkness, these people shall know where to turn. They shall come to the light. They shall come to Him Who is the brightness of the glory of the Father as He is revealed and shines through the earthen vessels He has prepared in the rooms of fellowship. Rejoice and be glad! Rejoice and be glad that you have chosen this path of fellowship, says the Spirit of Grace. It shall come to pass during that season of darkness that the most sought after treasure on the face of the earth shall be the anointing of the Almighty God! The world shall have few answers. There will be confusion and gnashing of teeth, pain and suffering. The world will have few answers. They will turn toward the God of heaven and say, "Where is your help?" He shall answer, "In those who have been schooled and trained by the Spirit and have been molded in the rooms of fellowship to conform to His image." They shall be the light of the world, even as He has said. I am raising up these lights. I am raising up these lights all over the world and placing them in My school, bringing them into the rooms of fellowship with the Lamb. I am preparing them now for that hour which is shortly to come. For those who will seek the light of Jesus Christ must find Him through the vessels I have prepared, says the Spirit of Grace. Receive My words. They are truth! I always adhere to the rule: "By two or three witnesses let every word be established." By that I mean, I always ask the Lord to give me confirming witnesses from the written Word of God to confirm anything He says to me by the Spirit. Preferably, I desire confirming scripture from both the old and new testaments. The first witness to confirm these words are the scriptures quoted above from the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah made it very clear that as darkness comes upon the world, the glory of the Lord shall be seen upon His people. It will be seen so clearly in the darkness that the Gentiles (unbelievers) will come to the light of that glory. The second witness comes from this passage in the New Testament; 2 Cor 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Notice that "the light of the knowledge of the glory" is to be contained as a "treasure in earthen vessels" in order that the "power may be of God, and not of us." This light is to shine "out of darkness." The Lord is calling His people to "come away" and spend time in fellowship with Him in order that they can become these "vessels of light." The problem is, this is a time of great economic prosperity in our land. People are very busy. Human nature seems to be very reluctant to "seek the Lord" during times such as these. But I see the choice put before us very clearly. We can either "come away" during this busy and prosperous time to "become" vessels of His light, His glory, His anointing, and His power … or we will be those who are "seeking" such vessels in the days to come. I prefer to a vessel through whom the Lord can reveal Himself to the world. I know you desire the same. Let me encourage you to spend even more time "in fellowship with the Lamb" through increased seasons of worship, meditation of the Word, prayer and fasting. For those who will, "His glory shall be seen upon thee." Thank you for your gift to GCM. Sue and I love you and appreciate you. We thank God for your generous and giving heart. God bless you! Your friend and co-laborer, Gary Carpenter
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