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~ The Face to Face Series ~
by Gary Carpenter


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I call these lessons "face to face" communion with the Holy Spirit. I do so because back in 1980 when I was first reading through the bible after being born again and Spirit filled, the following verse just "jumped out" at me. I knew it was the Holy Spirit talking to me personally, even though I was aware the apostle John wrote the letter to an individual person.

2 John 1:12   Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.

As the years passed by, I would hear from the Holy Spirit occasionally, but very infrequently. When Sue and I began attending the Prayer Center under Pastor Dave Roberson, we learned how to better locate the "ear" of our reborn human spirit. We learned how to distinguish the voice of the Holy Spirit from our own thoughts. I offer these lessons as examples of what we have learned from this method of "face to face" communication with Him.

To accompany these Face to Face lessons is the tape series called, "Hearing God's Voice" on the Walking in Maturity page. I strongly encourage you to listen to those audio teachings for yourself but more than that; I exhort you to "do" what is taught on them. In those four teaching you will hear what we learned about locating the ear of our reborn human spirit so we could more easily discern the voice of the Holy Spirit

In a nutshell, I pray in the spirit for a while, then stop and listen to those tongues as they continue to roll in my spirit. I then repeat the process again and again. Eventually, those tongues change to English. When that happens I begin speaking out loud into my micro-cassette recorder the words I am hearing. Then I transcribe the tapes.

Of course, some of the things He has spoken to me are personal and private, as you would expect. I have done my best to remove those sections from these printed materials. I have left in, however, many things that more generally apply to my calling, just to give examples of how the Holy Spirit will lead any person, no matter their gift in the body, into more and more fruitfulness in the operation of their call.

I hope these are a blessing, a help, and an encouragement to you.

Your fellow servant for Christ,

Gary Carpenter

♥ Linked Article Titles will take you to a print version of the article.


0    Introduction MP3
1    I Am Your Friend & Counselor MP3
2    Without Preconceived Notions MP3
3    Marking The Trail MP3
4    Coveting The Gifts MP3
5    Aware Of His Presence MP3
6    Acting On Truth MP3
7    Becoming Vessels Of Light MP3
8    I Flow Into Faith MP3
9    Waiting Upon God MP3
10   Communion With The Holy Spirit MP3
11   His Burden Is Light MP3
12   The Highest Order Of Reality MP3
13   The Works Of The Father MP3
14   The Scourging Post MP3
15   Handling The Carnal Things MP3
16   Overcomers In This Age MP3
17   The God Of Hope MP3
18   Pray For Leaders MP3
19   None Diminished MP3
20   Communion vs Authority MP3
21   Summary MP3
22   Agreeing With The Mind Of Christ MP3

* Download the entire series as a MS Word document (490 KB, 69 pages)  

* Or Open the entire series as a pdf file (709 KB, 83 pages)  

* The entire Face To Face series in audio-format, CD sizes for download:


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